Parkinson’s disease starts with sense of smell then spreads 2

New research suggests that misfolded proteins in Parkinson’s patients spread from the olfactory bulb (and regions that affect the gut) to other regions of the brain.

“A major unmet medical need is a therapy that slows disease progression,” said Dr. Patrik Brundin, who leads Parkinson’s research at VAI and is senior author of the study. “We hope an understanding of how (the protein) moves between brain regions will help uncover molecules that we can target with new drugs to slow the progression of symptoms in patients.”

posted on my Facebook page: Parkinson’s News


About Annette

Annette is a fundraising consultant whose husband was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Annette found a team of scientists working on a technology she thinks can stop Parkinson's. She was then able to raise funding for the project from multiple financial donors. And that's how Stop Parkinson's was born.

2 thoughts on “Parkinson’s disease starts with sense of smell then spreads

  • Reply
    Patricia Payne

    I was dx with pd @40yr old. 23 yr ago. I have had Jpeg, attempted and ended up with ruptured bowel&septic, that was for duopa pump, 9/2016 I had DBS. Surgery went well but key to DBS was finding a Neuro to regulate it. Initially I had dbs and Neuro from UofL. The answer was Dr. Merola from UC. #1 in my opinion.

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    Je suis HILAIRE ROGER ÂGE de 46ans atteint de la maladie de Parkinson depuis maintenant 6ans je vis au cameroun africa
    Votre site internet m’aider beaucoup pour m’informer çar ici pas de structure de prise en charge des patients Parkinson est inconnu et tabous

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