Category Archives: Parkinson’s News

These posts are often originally from our FaceBook page. They are inspired by interesting news items, medical research or blog articles originating elsewhere.

Will a cure be too late for Tim Vickers?

Tim Vickers, a Parkinson’s disease sufferer, says ‘It won’t kill me, but it might make me wish it had’. Description: “TIM Vickers says he tries not to think about the future.“ Source Link: posted on my Facebook page: Parkinson’s News

Glucose control and Parkinson’s disease 1

Glucose control may be one way to slow the degenerative process in Parkinson’s. Once again we see an association of blood glucose, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. Description: “1Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom. 2Department of Nuclear Medicine, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom. 3Reta Lila Weston […]

Parkinson’s Disease As Impaired Autophagy

Clogging the vacuum: How Parkinson’s disease is caused by impaired autophagy. Description: “GENETICS 2013: A study published in March in Nature Neuroscience reported that mutations on the LRRK2 gene, responsible for approximately 15% of Parkinson’s among Ashkenazi Jews, leads to the malfunctioning of a disposal system in the cell that recycles old proteins.“ Source Link: […]

Potential Cause of Parkinson’s Disease that Points to a New Therapeutic Strategy

A genetic mutation that is responsible for a small minority of Parkinson’s cases points to the contribution of chronic neuroinflammation and oxidative stress that probably underlies all “sporadic” cases of Parkinson’s disease. Description: “News Release“ Source Link: posted on my Facebook page: Parkinson’s News

Does iron cause Parkinson’s disease?

Does iron cause Parkinson’s disease? As usual, the epidemiology is conflicting, at least the interpretation is difficult. Higher blood iron is associated with a reduction of Parkinson’s rates, while higher consumption (non-heme iron) is associated with higher Parkinson’s rates. Of course it’s possible that higher blood iron is also associated with lower tissue concentrations. Lots […]

Penn Students Searching for Treatment for Parkinson’s 3

Blocking the initiation of misfolding – now this would really be a great thing! We need to focus research more on fighting the degeneration itself, rather then just the symptoms. Description: “Awarded summer fellowships by the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, University of Pennsylvania student“ Source Link: posted on my Facebook page: Parkinson’s News

Treat Parkinson’s while you sleep? 3

A patent was issued for a “transcranial direct current stimulation” system to reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Curious what are the side effects compared to the current medications? Of course we are still only talking about supportive therapy, rather than any kind of treatment. Would you use it? Description: “VALLEY VIEW, Ohio — Great Lakes […]