Older vs. early onset Parkinson’s – Is there a difference in goals? 2
Do those with early onset Parkinson’s hold out more hope for a cure, whereas older sufferers simply want more comfort?
Do those with early onset Parkinson’s hold out more hope for a cure, whereas older sufferers simply want more comfort?
The same PARK2 mutation that causes some early onset Parkinson’s cases, also leads to greater sensitivity to intracellular bacterial infections.
Out of 2,000 compounds, the screen found a family of new drugs, including an existing drug called UDCA, that allowed the mitochondria to work again.
See the creative steps this Dad took to tell his kids, and the world, about “a very tough disease”.
With protein phosphorylation, scientists are reminded that being at the scene of a crime does not necessarily mean being involved in the crime.
Better markers will enable earlier diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease that would benefit future treatments designed to slow or even stop the degeneration.
Neuroinflammation is associated with severe depression, fatigue, and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s sufferers. The question seems to be, is it causal?
Drugs called PARP inhibitors are currently undergoing clinical trials for a number of cancers. Will they be helpful in Parkinson’s disease as well?
Deep brain simulation for late-stage, early onset Parkinson’s might provide some hope for those for whom medications no longer work well.
Anxiety does indeed predict Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis. This is likely because seeing early symptoms of undiagnosed Parkinson’s causes anxiety.