Regenerating neurons using retroviral gene therapy 6

Here’s a technology for regenerating neurons using retroviral gene therapy. Why is it important? Because once a treatment is discovered for stopping Parkinson’s progression, the next step is growing back the neurons. This is a very interesting option.

posted on my Facebook page: Parkinson’s News


About Annette

Annette is a fundraising consultant whose husband was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Annette found a team of scientists working on a technology she thinks can stop Parkinson's. She was then able to raise funding for the project from multiple financial donors. And that's how Stop Parkinson's was born.

6 thoughts on “Regenerating neurons using retroviral gene therapy

    • Reply
      Dr. Steve

      Hi William, these treatments are highly experimental and have yet to show their effectiveness experimentally in humans. On this site we are focused on a much faster treatment paradigm using combinatorial therapies with natural substances.

  • Reply
    Craig Davis

    Thank you. I have P.D. . Would love to volunteer . Struggling , but mind is fine. Worked as Psychiatrict Evaluations Clinician for years. Masters of Science. Lost right now between dealing with sx’s and having no purpose(cause). I have EOPD. APA has very little to offer in terms of support groups for my age. They have tried but don’t find groups helpful. Held at nursing home, people nice, but just don’t relate. Would do mailings, cold calling, on line support , anything to have a reason to feel fulfilled. Please contact me. I could be an asset to your cause. My cause.

    • Reply
      Dr. Steve

      Hi Craig, sorry to hear that you have been struggling. Having a purpose is just as important as having hope. Sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you – lots of chaos lately… If you’d like to write some articles for SP based on current progress in PD research, therapy, or even personal articles about your struggle and solutions you found – that would be awesome!

  • Reply

    Hello, last year 2018 June was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia treatment on imatinib which is working well…. however this August developed Parkinson’s Disease….. now on madopar… I have heard there was a trial we’re tansigna used for treating CML has shown benefits in treating PD as well … can you confirm this the case and if switched to new medication how do I ensure the results are published to the Parkinson’s Comunity if there is a positive result ? Are there many people out there with both diseases……

    • Reply
      Dr. Steve

      A small phase 1 trial of PD patients with nilotinib did show improvement in symptoms and markers. A larger study is currently underway, so I suspect you can’t join it. It appears to work by upregulating autophagy, which is something we talk about. There are OTC supplements that do similar things, like low dose lithium.

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